A few months into the apparitions the Virgin Mary began to entrust to the visionaries with information they were not allowed to share with other people -Prophecies – future events foretold by the Virgin.
What we know?
Commonly referred to as “the secrets”, according to their testimonies each visionary knows or will come to know ten such future events. Mirjana, Ivanka and Jakov have testified to having received all ten secrets and no longer have daily apparitions. Marija, Ivan and Vicka say they know nine of the secrets and still have daily apparitions.
Based on the Virgin Mary’s messages and the testimonies of the visionaries, in five articles Medjugorje Today outlines what is known and can be documented about the Medjugorje secrets.
Part of the seventh secret has been mitigated through prayer and fasting.
During the time of the ten secrets, one of the visionaries will still have daily apparitions.
The Parchment
When Mirjana received all ten secrets, she was not confident that she would be able to remember all the dates and details of each secret. Our Lady literally gave her a parchment during an apparition. This parchment is made of a material not found here on earth, with all the secrets written on it.
Fr. Petar Ljubicic
The Blessed Mother told Mirjana that she was to choose a priest to reveal the secrets to the world. Mirjana chose Fr. Petar Ljubicic and he has accepted this responsibility. Fr. Petar will read each secret ten days before it occurs. He will fast for 7 days. Three days before the secret happens, he will announce it to the world.
1) It will be a worning, and a prove that the Blessed Mary was trully present in Medjugorie.
2) It will be a worning, and a prove that the Blessed Mary was trully present in Medjugorie..
3) The Blessed Virgin Mary has told the visionaries that the third secret will be a lasting sign placed on the Hill of Apparitions. All six visionaries know what the sign will be. They have said that it will be a beautiful, indestructible, permanent sign and all those who go to Medjugorje will be able to see it. The sign will be something that has never been on the earth before, and can not be done from human hands, and it will appear in a blink of a second. After this sign it will be too late for conversion.We all should prapere to this event with prayer and fasting. Who ever will do that, belive to God, have faith in Him and follow this advice of prayer and fasting will have notthing to fear. many people that will see this sign will be healed. Mary made a specipic promis as well, that one of the friends of the visionary that was really close to them and that does not had a left leg ( due to a sickness) he will be healed totaly and re-grow his leg. Mary add to the visionary that they should take a good look to the hill where the apparition were, and remember it because after this miracle it will be totaly changed.
4) No information were given to the public.
5) No information were given to the public.
6) No information were given to the public.
7) The seveth secret has been cancelled due to prayers and to fasting, says Marjana. For this reason the Blessed Virgin continues to ask for prayer and fasting:" You forgot that with prayer and fasting, you can stop war, suspend the law of nature."
8) No information were given to the public.
9) Punishment. Punishment for the sins of the world. The Punishment is inevitable, because we should not expect the conversion of the whole world. The punishment can be decresed by the prayers and penance. But cannot be avvoided.
10) Punishment that can not be avoided. Only Marjana, Ivanka and Jakov know this secret.
What are the secrets?
What can we expect from these secrets?!
Since we cannot know these secrets unless they happen or otherwise are revealed to us. Nothing is of certainty. But we "Can" conclude, from the past apparitions of Mary both in Fatima and Medjugorie, is that she told the visionaries that "what she started in Fatima, she will finish in Medjugorie".
Our understanding of this is that what happened in Fatima could re-occur in Medjugorie.
What can we learn from the previous apparitions?
Well the main thing is that Mary, under that power of God, is in control of nature.
In Fatima,
A heavy rain poured out for hours before the miracle of the sun occured. The sun, spinning and dancing suddenly altered course and headed straight for Earth. The sun growing to an enourmous size, and the heat dissapating the rain frightened over 70,000 people to a point where they thought it was the end of the
world. Frantically trying to hide and screaming while doing so, a sudden bright light came over Fatima blinding everyone. Once their eyes regained sight, everyone realized that their cloths and the ground was completely dry, as if it hadn't rained for months. Millions of rose pedals fell from the sky but were unable to be
captured by a single soul that was present.
In Lourdes,
Mary, at the request of a miracle, out of the rocks, water gushed forth giving birth to a small river which still exist today. A fountain has been crafted around it and many people embrace and take the blessed water from the fountain, to which many miracles and healings are performed through it.
In Guadalupe,
The apparition of Mary, brought one of the most pecious gifts to us all. Something that for over 600 years is still in perfect condition and perfectly intact, somethng that even a Chemist Nobel Peace Prize is baffled over. Few Years after a mad man, and non believer, after trying to destroy this piece by a bomb (everything around it
was melted) or throwing acid on to it, the garment is 100% intact with absolutely zero damage.
This garment was reveiled to an unbeliever priest, to the possibility of an apparition upon a poor man. Mary revealed roses, which never grew in that state, on a mountain in the middle of winter. Her image appeared "printed" (before printing was invented (1500s)) upon the same cactus made garment that the roses were carried in to show to the priest. This type of garment only last for 8 -10 years but this specific and "Holy" garment has last over 600 years.
So what can we expect?!
Sure, something so powerful that will bring many to change their mind to the
existence of Her, and mostly to the existence of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. He is real, and present among us. A powerful nautre event. Something She says:
"something that we can touch, something that will be lasting forever and will be impossible to by destroyed".
So what could it be?!
It could be a spot where it rains contiunally and constantly but we'll be dry as soon as we step out of the down pour, or a bush of roses which always flouished where some fire of the Holy Spirit can proect them and where we can not be burned from it, or could be a 600 year old tree suddenly appearing in the that dry and naked rock formation, or the most beautiful wasterfall that our eyes have ever seen
formned in just a blink of an eye. Anything could happen.
What people have seen so far in Medjugorie?
From the day Our Mother appeared to this young children in the 1983, many people have seen:
The "Sun Spinning",
There for it could be that in that spot where the Blue Cross is we could, believers and not believers , see this miracle;
others have seen:
A "Forest in Fire",
Where no fire was accuring- Ivan Kozinas sow this vision at 17:45 of the October 1981 - that could be lead us to believe that it could happen that a section of Medjugorie forest could be on an eternal fire that will not burn the trees or any vegetation around it, as it happen on the burning bush with Moses.
Others have seen
the " Big White Cross Spinning Around",
and yet still there.
Many, as some pictures proves, sow:
"Angels clouds formations"
- therefor it could be that a cloud with a shape if a Angel could be surrounding that specific spot where Marry continue appearing in this past 30 years. Or a spot next to the blessed Blue Cross where we could see our souls at the moment of the judgment- tormented and deformed from our sins here on hearth/hell or our joyful soul radiant of a bright light in Heaven.
Any of this and more could happen, but what most concern us as the visionaries told us is that is notthing to worry as long we Love and Live God will.
ENGLISH: http://www.medjugorjetoday.tv/background-7/the-10-secrets-2/
SPANISH: http://medjugorje.blogcindario.com/2007/10/00008-los-diez-secretos.html
Desde 1981, la Virgen María ha revelado a los videntes unos secretos. Sólo Mirjana conoce en este momento los diez secretos - el décimo le es revelado durante las Navidades de 1982- y la fecha en que se cumplirán. Los demás videntes no los conocen todos, sino que van accediendo a los mismos progresivamente. No se sabe si los 10 secretos son los mismos para todos los videntes. Ni ellos mismos lo saben.
The 10 Secrets