Virgin Mary apparitions around the World.
Every apparition is correlated with God's perfect plan.
Why does she look different each time? She is our Mother. For Our Lady, there is no difference in races. Mary appears with features closer to the local ethnicity as well as with clothing differences. She is our Mother.
A Marian apparition is an event were the Blessed Virgin Mary has supernaturally appeared to one or more people. They are often named after the town where they were reported, or on the sobriquet given to Mary on the occasion of the apparition. They have been interpreted in religious terms as theophanies.
Marian apparitions sometimes are reported to recur at the same site over an extended period of time. In the majority of Marian apparitions only a few people report having witnessed the apparition. Exception to this include Zeitoun, and Assiut where thousands claimed to have seen her over a period of time.
AD 39 - Our Lady of the Pillar
In the year AD 39, according to tradition, the Virgin Mary appeared to Saint James the Great, in Zaragoza, Spain. The vision is now called Our Lady of the Pillar and is the only reported Marian apparition before her Assumption. The Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar was built in Zaragoza, Spain and a key piece of Roman Catholic Marian art, the statue of Our Lady of the Pillar, refers to this apparition.
1061 - Our Lady of Walsingham
According to the tradition of Our Lady of Walsingham, the Virgin Mary appeared in a vision to Richeldis de Faverches, a devout Saxon noblewoman, in 1061 in Walsingham, England, instructing her to construct a shrine resembling the place of the Annunciation.
1200 - Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary in her role as patroness of the Carmelite Order. The first Carmelites were Christian hermits living on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land during the late 12th and early to mid 13th centuries. They built a chapel in the midst of their hermitages which they dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, whom they conceived of in chivalric terms as the "Lady of the place." Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is also the patron saint of Chile.
1208 - Our Lady of the Rosary
The apparition of Our Lady of the Rosary is by tradition attributed to Saint Dominic in 1208 in the church of Prouille, in France.
Some sources suggest that Alan de Rupe (rather than Saint Dominic) was the major influence on the rosary in the 15th century, while other sources seek a middle ground to these two views. For centuries, Dominicans became instrumental in spreading the rosary and emphasizing the Catholic belief in the power of the rosary.
1531 - Our Lady of Guadalupe
The 1531 apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe was reported by Saint Juan Diego. He said he saw an early morning vision of the Virgin Mary in which he was instructed to build an abbey on the Hill of Tepeyac in Mexico. The local prelate did not believe his account and asked for a miraculous sign, which was later provided as an icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe permanently imprinted on the saint’s cloak where he had gathered roses. Over the years, Our Lady of Guadalupe became a symbol of the Catholic faith in Mexico and the Mexican diaspora.
1594 - Our Lady of Good Success
The apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success began on 2 February 1594 at the Conceptionist Convent in Quito, Ecuador. The Virgin Mary repeatedly appeared to Venerable Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, identifying herself as 'Our Lady of Good Success'. The apparition requested that a statue be made in her likeness and made several predictions concerning a crisis in the church specifically a fall in vocations, a lack of availability of the sacraments and a fall in moral standards in the 20th century.
1664 - Our Lady of Laus
The apparitions of Our Lady of Laus between 1664 and 1718 in Saint-Étienne-le-Laus, France to Benoîte Rencurel, a young shepherdess are the first Marian apparitions approved in the 21st century by the Roman Catholic Church.[13] The apparitions were recognized by the diocese of the Roman Catholic Church on September 18, 1665. They were approved by the Vatican on May 5, 2008. Currently, the site where the apparitions took place receives more than 120,000 pilgrims a year..
1830 - Our Lady of Miraculous Medal
The vision of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal is said to have appeared to Saint Catherine Labouré in 1830 in the convent of Rue du Bac, Paris. She reported that one night in the chapel, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her and asked that a medallion be made to a design that she dictated. The lady added that, "All who wear this medal will receive great graces."[43] After spending two years examining her claims, her priest eventually took the information to his archbishop. The medal eventually produced came to be referred to as the Miraculous Medal.
1846 - Our Lady of La Salette
The apparitions of Our Lady of La Salette were reported in La Salette in France in 1846 by two shepherd children, Mélanie Calvat and Maximin Giraud, followed by numerous accounts of miraculous healings. They reported seeing the Virgin Mary on Mount Sous-Les Baisses, weeping bitterly. According to their account, she continued to weep even as she spoke to them - first in French, then in their own dialect. After speaking, the apparition vanished.
In 1851, the local bishop of Grenoble declared the apparition to be worthy of belief, the first step in approval by the Catholic Church.
1858 - Our Lady of Lourdes
The In 1858 Saint Bernadette Soubirous was a 14-year-old shepherd girl who lived near the town of Lourdes in France. One day she reported a vision of a miraculous Lady who identified Herself as "the Immaculate Conception" in subsequent visions. In the second vision she was asked to return again and she had 18 visions overall. According to Saint Bernadette, the Lady held a string of Rosary beads and led Saint Bernadette to the discovery of a buried spring, also requesting that the local priests build a chapel at the site of the visions and lead holy processions there.
1871 - Our Lady of Pontmain
The On 17 January 1871, four children from the village of Pontmain in northwestern France have seen an apparition of the Virgin Mary in the sky. This apparition occurred during the Franco-Prussian War. The German troops were close to Pontmain. The people in the village prayed for protection. On the evening of January 17 [1871], for several minutes Mary appeared in Heaven [to Joseph and Eugene Barbedette, age 10 and 12, resp. Francoise Richer, age 11 Jeanne-Marie Lebosse', age 9 wearing a dark blue dress with a crucifix in her hands. Below the apparition appeared the words, 'Pray please. God will hear you soon.
1917 - Our Lady of Fátima
"What I start to Fatima I will end in Medjugorie".
The visions of the Virgin Mary appearing to three shepherd children at Our Lady of Fátima in Portugal in 1917 were declared worthy of belief by the Catholic Church in 1930. These occurred on the 13th day of six consecutive months in 1917, starting on May 13. The three children were Lúcia dos Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto. The mirable of the sun viewed and documented from more then 70,000 people as well as the Miracle of the six priest survivors from Hiroshima went there for spread the word of Our Lady of Fatima.
1933 - Our Lady of Beauraing
"The 33 apparitions of Our Lady of Beauraing were reported in Belgium between
November 1932 and January 1933 by five local children ranging in age from 9 to 15 years.
From 1933 to World War II, pilgrims flocked to the little village of Beauraing.
The final approbation for the apparition was granted on July 2, 1949 under the authority
of the Hily Office by the decree of Andre-Marie Charuem Bishop of Namur, Belgium
This apparitions are also known as the Virgin of the Golden Hart..
1933 - Our Lady of Banneux
The apparitions of Our Lady of Banneux were reported by a young child, Mariette Beco a native of Banneux, Belgium in the 1930s. Beco reported eight visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary between January 15 and March 2, 1933. She reported seeing a Lady in White who declared herself the Virgin of the Poor and told her: "Believe in me and I will believe in you". In one vision, the Lady reportedly asked Mariette to drink from a small spring and later said that the spring was for healing. Over time the site drew pilgrims. Today, the small spring yields about 2,000 gallons of water a day with many reports of miraculous healings..
1961 - Our Lady of Garabandal
Our Lady of Mt Carmel appeared in San Sebastian de Garabandal, Spain. In the evening of June 18, 1961, four simple, unsophisticated girls were playing in the outskirts of the town – 11-year old Maria Cruz Gonzalez, and three 12-year-old girls named Conchita Gonzalez, Maria Dolores Mazon, and Jacinta Gonzalez. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise, like thunder, and they saw the Archangel Michael. On the following days, the Archangel appeared today in the same place, announcing to them that on July 2, they would see Our Lady. The Blessed Virgin Mary appearing over 2000 times from July 2, 1961 until November 13, 1965. The Messages of Garabandal have to do with our conversion of heart. We must ask forgiveness for our sins and strive to lead good lives..
1980 - Our Lady of Cuapa
The apparitions of Our Lady of Cuapa began on April 15, 1980, in San Francisco de Cuapa, Nicaragua. The Virgin Mary repeatedly appeared to Bernardo Martinez, a sacristan, this began when he saw a strange light emanating from a statue of the Virgin Mary in the parish church. In May, when walking through the fields, he saw a vision of the Virgin Mary, who encouraged him to pray the rosary and promote peace saying: "Make Peace. Don't ask Our Lord for peace because, if you do not make it, there will be no peace". At this time, Nicaragua was going through a civil war. The Sandinista government was facing armed opposition from the Contras. Bernardo Martinez claimed that the Blessed Virgin Mary ordered him to burn bad books, which was interpreted to mean Marxist books...
1973 - Our Lady of Akita
The apparitions of Our Lady of Akita were reported in 1973 by Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa in the remote area of Yuzawadai, near the city of Akita in Japan.[63] For several decades, Agnes Sasagawa had encountered many health problems but her health reportedly improved after drinking water from Lourdes. After going totally deaf, she went to live with the nuns in the remoteness of Yuzawadai. In 1973 she reported apparitions of the Virgin Mary, as well as stigmata and a weeping statue of the Virgin Mary that continued to weep over the next six years on 101 occasions.
1981 - Our Lady of Kibeho
The apparitions of Our Lady of Kibeho began on November 28, 1981 in the African college of Kibeho, Rwanda. The Virgin Mary repeatedly appeared to Alphonsine Mumureke, Nathalie Mukamazimpaka, and Marie Claire Mukangango. The apparition identified herself in the native Rwandan dialect as "Mother of the Word", which is synonymous with "Mother of God.” The apparitions communicated various messages to the schoolchildren, urging the people to love each other, and warning of an apocalyptic vision of Rwanda descending into violence and hatred, foretelling the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. The Marian sanctuary at Kibeho was named "Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows" in 1992, two years before the genocide. An estimated 500,000 pilgrims visit the site every year....
1981 - Our Lady of Medjugorie
Among recent visions, the reported apparitions of The Virgin Mary to six children in Međugorje in 1981 have received much attention. The Our Lady of Međugorje messages often emphasize five key elements: Daily prayer of the Holy Rosary, Fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays, Daily reading of the Bible, Monthly Confessions and Holy Communion. During the Croatian War no one resident in Medjugorie was injured or die, even on the attempt of 2 bombs where lunched from aircraft they didn't exploded. At least 532 medical miracles have been carefully documented On March 17, 2010, the Vatican announced it was beginning a formal investigation of the apparitions at Medugorje. .