Messages from Our Lady of Medjugorie
God sent Marie to speak at Medjugorie to this 5 visionaries in order for us to comprehend and stop find wrong answers and wrong interpretations, or pick and choose what we like.
There for, here are all the Messages and summaries of them, that Mary gave to the five People: Vicka, Ivan, Marija, Ivanka, Jakov, Mitjana that has been chosen to help us to go to the direct way to salvation/ Paradise, God way.
Here a list by years, and one by subject.
Other Religions
"There is only one God and in God doesn't exist any division. Are you people in the world that had create the religion divisions. Between God and the humans there is only one salvation mediator: Jesus Christ. Have faith in Him. The Pope need to consider himself the father of all mankind, and not only of Christians.
All of you should respect all religions, and also keep and conserve at any cost the Catholic faith for your self and for your children's.
In Jesus Marie eyes and in the sight of God, everything is equal. But for us human been, it is not the same thing because we are divided. If it is possible, it is better if we are not to marry within different religious belive because one of 2, or bought will suffer and so their children also. One of the two will be able to live and follow only with difficulty, the way of her faith. We are not true God believers if we don't respect our brothers that belong to other religions. With love you will be able to discern the intentions of hearts.
By love you are able to do even that which you think is impossible".

Sunday, September 26, 1982 - February 23, 1982 - August 18, 1982 - February 21, 1983 - February 24, 1983 - February 19, 1983 -November 7, 1985

Here a video of Vicka where she explain what Jesus Marie told her about all the other religions. from Frame: 2:58 to frame 6:14

Start with the Creed at the beginning of the crown. With the rosary you shall overcome all the adversities which Satan is trying to inflict on the Catholic Church, put on the armor for battle and with the Rosary in your hand defeat him! Renew prayer, until prayer becomes a joy for you. Pray the rosary and to teach others to pray. Through the rosary open your heart to Jesus Marie and God and They will be able to help us. Pray for the invocation to the Holly Spirit. If you pray, Satan cannot injure you even a little bit because you are God's children and He is watching over you. Pray and let the rosary always be in your hand as a sign to Satan that you belong to me.

Pray and Fast. I wish that all of you deepen consistently your prayers. Every morning in your family renew the prays of consecration at the Saint Hart of Jesus and Marie. Pray everyday l' Angelus, Il Credo, 5 Father Noster, Ave Mary, in honor of Jesus, 6 for the Holly Father, the pope, 7 for the effusion of the Holly Spirit on all of you. Then the pray for the invocation to the Holly Spirit. If its possible pray the rosary as well.

 September 3, 1981- February 18, 1983 - June 25, 1985 - August 8, 1985 - August 25, 1997 - January 27, 1983 - February 25, 1988 -

For every question we might have all the answers are on the Bible.... I desire that you are getting together every Thursday for adorate my Son Jesus. There, In front of the Holy Eucharist start to read the chappel 6 of the Bible by Matthew ( 6, 24-34 ), from the point where it's says: " No one can serve two Masters...." if you are not able to read it in church, then read that pass in your homes....
Place the Sacred Scripture in a visible place in your family, and read and live it. Teach your children, because if you are not an example to them, children depart into godlessness. Reflect and pray and then God will be born in your heart and your heart will be joyous. Joyfully live the messages of the Gospel, Jesus Marie does not desire for our life to be in sadness but that it be realized in joy for eternity, according to the Gospel. Only in this way will our life have meaning. Put Holy Scripture in a visible place in our families, read it, reflect on it and learn how God loves His people. His love shows itself also in present times because He sends Her to call us upon the path of salvation..

 September 19, 1981- February 29, 1983 - June 25, 1991 - August 25, 1996 - December 25, 1996 - January 25, 1999

People think wrong when they address their prayers only to the Saints when they asking something. Is important to pray the Holly Spirit so that it descend on us all. Having it it means having everything. When the Holly Spirit descend on us, then everything will change, transform and become clear, making our hearts become of flesh and not of stone.
Before Mass we should pray the Holly Spirit. The prays to the Holly Spirit need to follow Mass as well.
Pray 7 for the effusion of the Holly Spirit on all of us. This will inspire us with the spirit of prayer, so we will pray more. We need to stop to be absorbed with material things. We need to open your hearts to the Holy Spirit. Open ourselves to God by means of prayer so the Holy Spirit may begin to work miracles in you and through you. Open our hearts and surrender our life to Jesus so that He works through our hearts and strengthens our in faith. pray, pray, pray and do that which the Holy Spirit inspires us. Because is the Holy Spirit who leads us along the path to holiness, enlighten us to understand that we must convert, necessary for us now in order to be able to give witness to Her presence here and to all that She is giving us.

 October 21, 1983- November 25, 1983 - November 26, 1983 - December 29, 1983 - January 2, 1983 - January 27,1984 - June 9, 1984 - May 23, 1985 - April 17, 1986 - May 25, 1993 - July 25, 1994 - July 25, 1995 - June 25, 1996

Jesus prefers that we address ourselves directly to Him rather than through an intermediary. In the meantime, if we wish to give ourselves completely to God and if we wish that Mary can be our protector, then confide to Her all our intentions, our fasts, and our sacrifices so that She can dispose of them according to the will of God.
If you all want have an happy life, have a simple life with humility. Pray a lot and don't worry too much of your problems: leave it to be solve to God and abandon your self to Him. and God will work through you and keep on giving you everything you need. Because, there is only one God and in God doesn't exist any division. Are you people in the world that had create the religion divisions. Between God and the humans there is only one salvation mediator: Jesus Christ. Have faith in Him.
Our daily day will not be the same if we will pray or not that day. She will be really happy if us will dedicate our self at pray time one hour at the morning and one at night. Not as a simple custom but a strong font of joy. We all need to truly live the pray. Pray especially before the cross from which great graces are coming. Now in your homes make a special consecration to the cross. Promise that you will neither offend Jesus nor abuse the cross. We need to Pray at list 7 Our Father, Ave Mary, Glory, Believe. Gather our self in church every Wednesday for adore my son Jesus. Every morning in your family renew the prays of consecration at the Saint Hart of Jesus and Marie. Pray everyday l' Angelus, Il Credo, 5 Father Noster, Ave Mary, in honor of Jesus, 6 for the Holly Father, the pope, 7 for the effusion of the Holly Spirit on all of you. Then the pray for the invocation to the Holly Spirit. If its possible pray the rosary as well.
And in front of the Holly Communion, re-read the 6 st chapel of the Bible of Matthew from paragraph 24. When he say: "No one can serve 2 masters.."
Every Wednesday, also, any of you try to do any kind of sacrifice: who smoke stop smoking, who drink alcohol should try to avoid it. Any of you should renounce to something that they like particularly, a lot. Doing this will show him that we are Putting him first in our life's. We are not able to understand how great the value of prayer is as long as you yourselves do not say: 'now is the time for prayer, now nothing else is important to me, now not one person is important to me but God.' Dear children, consecrate yourselves to prayer with a special love so that God will be able to render graces back to you.
Pray for peace. Pray pray that God's blessing may protect each one of you from all the evil that is threatening you. Without our prayers, She cannot help us to fulfill the message which the Lord has given Her to give to us. Therefore, pray, so that in prayer you realize what God is giving us. He gives us 24 hours in a day, and he just ask us to give 2 hours of prays back to him, so we can all have happy life. Decide and believe that God is offering Himself to you in His fullness. Be conscious of how God loves you with such a great love because He permits me to be with you so I can instruct you and help you to find the way of peace. realize what God is giving you.
church is God's palace, the place in which I gather you and want to show you the way to God. Come and pray. Neither look at others nor slander them, but rather, let your life be a testimony on the way of holiness. Churches deserve respect and are set apart as holy because God, who became man, dwells in them day and night. Complete surrender to God. Everything you do and everything you possess give over to God so that He can take control in your life as the King of all that you possess. That way, through me, God can lead you into the depths of the spiritual life. Little children, do not be afraid, because I am with you even if you think there is no way out and that Satan is in control. Choose Him before everything and above everything, so that He may work miracles in your life and that day by day your life may become joy with Him.
I call all of you to prayer. Only with prayer, dear children, will your heart change, become better, and be more sensitive to the Word of God...By living Holy Mass each day, you will feel the need for holiness and you will grow in holiness.
Let us pray, little children, for all those who do not desire to come to know the love of God, even though they are in the Church. Let us pray that they convert, so that the Church may resurrect in love. Only with love and prayer, little children, can you live this time which is given to you for conversion. Place God in the first place, then the risen Jesus will become your friend.

 Saturday, September 4, 1982- January 4, 1982 - February 23, 1982 - July 16, 1983 - December 4, 1983 - December 23, 1983 - February 29, 1983 - January 27, 1983 - June 25, 1985 - July 25, 1985 - July 3, 1986 - October 2, 1986 - October 23, 1986 - April 25, 1987 - October 25, 1987 - March 25, 1988 - April 25, 1988 - June 25, 1988 - July 25, 1988 - January 25, 1990 - November 25, 1990 - August 25, 1991 - January 25, 1992 - March 25, 1992 - May 25, 1993 - October 25, 1993 - October 25, 1994 - January 25, 1995 - September 25, 1995 - January 25, 1996 - March 25, 1996 - August 25, 1996 - September 25, 1996 - December 25, 1996 - February 25, 1997 - August 25, 1997 - December 25, 1997 - January 25, 1998 - March 25, 1998 - March 25, 1999

December 23, 1981 "The Christmas mass need to be celebrate at midnight and not in the evening".

 December 23, 1981

Believe firmly, confess your self regularly and have the holly communion. This is the only way to be safe.
Go to Confession each month, especially the first Friday or the first Saturday of the month.
Many people come here in Medjugorie for ask God the physical healing, but just some of them are living in the sin. This particular one don't comprehend that they have to firstval find the health of the soul, that is the most important one, and purify them self. They should, as main thing, confess and forgive /renounce at the sin. After they can beg for be heal physically.
May holy Confession be the first act of conversion for you and decision for holiness begin today and not tomorrow.

 February 10, 1982 - Agost 6,1982 - January 15, 1983 - January 25, 1995 - November 25, 1998

You must know that Satan exists. One day he presented himself before the throne of God and asked the permission to groped the church for a time with the intention of destroying it. God allowed Satan to bring the church to the test for a century and added: 'You will not destroy it'. This century in which you live is under the power of Satan, but when the secrets that I have entrusted will be realized his power will be broken. At this moment he is loosing his power and because that he become way more aggressive: braking marriage, creating disagreements within consecrate souls, creating obsessions trigging homicides. Protect your self with fasting and with pray especially with group of pray. carry on with your self consecrated blessed objects and place them even in your homes. And re start using the Saint Water..

 April 14, 1982 - June 25, 1985 - July 18, 1985 - August 8, 1985 - August 7, 1986 - December 4, 1986 - April 25, 1987 -February 25, 1988 - July 25, 1988 - January 25, 1990 - August 25, 1991- September 25, 1991 - March 25, 1992 - December 25, 1992 - October 25, 1993 - July 25, 1995 - March 25, 1996 - January 25, 1998

Give yourselves completely to God and if you wish that I be your protector, then confide to me all your intentions, your fasts, and your sacrifices so that I can dispose of them according to the will of God.
This century in which you live is under the power of Satan, Protect your self with fasting and with pray especially with group of pray. carry on with your self consecrated blessed objects and place them even in your homes. And re start using the Saint Water.
Have them believe and pray; I cannot help him who does not pray in a solid way and does not sacrifice or feasting. I can not help who does not pray or do sacrifices. The sick, just like those who are in good health, must pray and fast for the sick. The more you believe firmly, the more you pray and fast for the same intention, the greater is the grace and the mercy of God to the sick ones. It is goo as well to apply blessed ointment. Not every priest have the bless to cure: for build and wake up this gift the priest need to pray with perseverance, fasting and believe firmly.
Before any liturgic holidays prepare your self with pray and feasting.
Beside friday feasting with brad and water and another day of the week in honor to the Holly Spirit.
prepare your hearts for these days when the Lord particularly desires to purify you from all the sins of your past.
pray without ceasing and prepare your hearts in penance and fasting.
When our wish is a Big miracle , like stopping wars, or safe someone from evil presence or from death or as the visionary told us that before one of the 10th Secrets will be happen Jesus Mary suggested us or them to fasting for 9 days, and as on the Gospel of Matthew 6 our Lord said: " 16 “And when you fast, don’t put on a sad face like the hypocrites. They distort their faces so people will know they are fasting. I assure you that they have their reward. 17 When you fast, brush your hair and wash your face. 18 Then you won’t look like you are fasting to people, but only to your Father who is present in that secret place. Your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
Satan is strong and wants to sweep away my plans of peace and joy and make you think that my Son is not strong in His decisions. Therefore, I call all of you, dear children, to pray and fast still more firmly. I invite you to self-renunciation for nine days so that, with your help, everything that I desire to realize through the secrets I began in Fatima, may be fulfilled.
Protect your self with fasting and with pray especially with group of pray. I call you to fasting and renunciation. Little children, renounce that which hinders you from being closer to Jesus. In a special way I call you: Pray, because only through prayer will you be able to overcome your will and discover the will of God even in the smallest things..

 Saturday, September 4, 1982 - April 14, 1982 - August 18, 1982 - September 7, 1982 - September 9, 1982 - December 4, 1986 - August 25, 1991 - March 25, 1998

In my eyes and in the sight of God, everything is equal. But for you, it is not the same thing because you are divided. If it is possible, it is better if she were not to marry this man because she will suffer and her children also. She will be able to live and follow only with difficulty, the way of her faith.
I am with you and I invite all of you, little children, that before all else forgive in the family and then you will be able to forgive others. place the Sacred Scripture in a visible place in your family, and read and live it. Teach your children, because if you are not an example to them, children depart into godlessness. Reflect and pray and then God will be born in your heart and your heart will be joyous. Renew prayer in your families. Put Holy Scripture in a visible place in your families, read it, reflect on it and learn how God loves His people. His love shows itself also in present times because He sends me to call you upon the path of salvation..

 August 18, 1982 - January 25, 1996 - August 25, 1996 - January 25, 1999

Dear children, pray that you may be able to accept sickness and suffering with love the way Jesus accepted them.
I invite you to decide for God once again and to choose Him before everything and above everything, so that He may work miracles in your life and that day by day your life may become joy with Him. Therefore, little children, pray and do not permit Satan to work in your life through misunderstandings, the non-understanding and non-acceptance of one another. Therefore, dear children, pray and seek more time for Jesus and then you will be able to understand and accept everything, even the most difficult sicknesses and crosses. Prayer so the Holy Spirit may begin to work miracles in you and through you.
Also today I call you to fasting and renunciation. Little children, renounce that which hinders you from being closer to Jesus. In a special way I call you: Pray, because only through prayer will you be able to overcome your will and discover the will of God even in the smallest things. Open your hearts and give me everything that is in them: joys, sorrows and each, even the smallest, pain, that I may offer them to Jesus; so that with His immeasurable love, He may burn and transform your sorrows into the joy of His resurrection.
God can give you everything that you seek from Him. But you seek God only when sicknesses, problems and difficulties come to you and you think that God is far from you and is not listening and does not hear your prayers. No, dear children, that is not the truth. When you are far from God, you cannot receive graces because you do not seek them with a firm faith. I want to draw you ever more near to God, but I cannot if you don't want it. Therefore, dear children put your life in God's hands. I bless you all. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Convert, pray, fast, be reconciled, don't take these messages superficially.
It is difficult for you. When something is good, you have to persevere in the good and not think: God does not see me, He is not listening, He is not helping. And so you have gone away from God and from me because of your miserable interest. I wanted to create of you an oasis of peace, love and goodness. God wanted you, with your love and with His help, to do miracles and, thus, give an example.
Therefore, pray, live my messages and then you will see the miracles of God's love in your everyday life..

 September 11, 1986 - January 25, 1988 - January 25, 1990 - January 25, 1992 - March 25, 1992 -May 25, 1993 - March 25, 1998 - February 25, 1999

Pray, Pray, Pray. Believe firmly, confess your self regularly and have the holly communion. This is the only way to be safe".
Do you believe that you are taking part of Mass in the correct way? If all of you knew what kind of grace you will gain on the communion , you all will start to prepare every day for at list an hour before that. You should also confess one time per month. It would be necessary in church devote at the reconciliation 3 days per month: The first friday, saturday and sunday following.
I wish and desire that all of you gather in church every Wednesday for adore my son Jesus. There,, in front of the Holly Communion, re-read the 6 st chapel of the Bible of Methew from when he say: No one can serve 2 boss.." If its impossible for you to go in church, read that part of it in your own houses. Every Wednesday, also, any of you try to do any kind of sacrifice: who smoke stop smoking, who drink alcohol should try to avoid it. Any of you should renounce to something that they like particularly, a lot.
Fall in love with the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Adore Him, little children, in your Parishes and in this way you will be united with the entire world. Jesus will become your friend and you will not talk of Him like someone whom you barely know. Unity with Him will be a joy for you and you will become witnesses to the love of Jesus that He has for every creature.

 February 10, 1982 - October 15, 1983 - February 29, 1983 - September 25, 1995

In my eyes and in the sight of God, everything is equal. But for you, it is not the same thing because you are divided. If it is possible, it is better if she were not to marry this man because she will suffer and her children also. She will be able to live and follow only with difficulty, the way of her faith

 August 18, 1982

September 7, 1982 "Before any liturgic holidays prepare your self with pray and feasting".
 September 7, 1982

February 10, 1982 "Pray, Pray, Pray. Believe firmly, confess your self regularly and have the holly communion. This is the only way to be safe".

 February 10, 1982

I invite you to conversion. This is the most important message that I have given you here. Hasten on your conversion. When the promises sign will start manifesting on the Hill it will be too late for you... Pray, Pray, Pray. Believe firmly, confess your self regularly and have the holly communion. This is the only way to be safe".
God can give you everything that you seek from Him. But you seek God only when sicknesses, problems and difficulties come to you and you think that God is far from you and is not listening and does not hear your prayers. No, dear children, that is not the truth. When you are far from God, you cannot receive graces because you do not seek them with a firm faith. Day by day, I am praying for you, and I want to draw you ever more near to God, but I cannot if you don't want it. Therefore, dear children put your life in God's hands.
Not permit Satan to seduce you. In this time when due to the spirit of consumerism one forgets what it means to love and to cherish true values, I invite you again, little children, to put God in the first place in your life. Do not let Satan attract you through material things.
Satan is very strong and, therefore, I ask you to dedicate your prayers to me so that those who are under his influence can be saved. If you pray, Satan cannot injure you even a little bit because you are God's children and He is watching over you. Pray and let the rosary always be in your hand as a sign to Satan that you belong to me.
live my messages and to put them into practice in your life. I have come to you to help you and, therefore, I invite you to change your life because you have taken a path of misery, a path of ruin. When I told you: convert, pray, fast, be reconciled, you took these messages superficially. You started to live them and then you stopped, because it was difficult for you. No, dear children, when something is good, you have to persevere in the good and not think: God does not see me, He is not listening, He is not helping. And so you have gone away from God and from me because of your miserable interest. I wanted to create of you an oasis of peace, love and goodness. God wanted you, with your love and with His help, to do miracles and, thus, give an example. Therefore, here is what I say to you: Satan is playing with you and with your souls and I cannot help you because you are far away from my heart. Therefore, pray, live my messages and then you will see the miracles of God's love in your everyday life.
Little children, do not forget that if you do not pray you are not close to me, nor are you close to the Holy Spirit who leads you along the path to holiness. Prayer so that in prayer the Holy Spirit will help you, that your hearts become of flesh and not of stone.

 February 10, 1982 - September 2, 1982 - October 2, 1986 - January 25, 1988 - February 25, 1988 - March 25, 1992 - July 25, 1994 - February 25, 1996 - March 25, 1996 - May 25, 1996 - June 25, 1996 - September 25, 1998 - November 25, 1998 - March 25, 1999

The Pope is your Father, he is the spiritual father of Everybody. We need to pray a lot for him. Consider him the father of all mankind, and not only of Christians. I invite you to comprehend your Christian vocation. Little children, I led and am leading you through this time of grace, that you may become conscious of your Christian vocation. Holy martyrs died witnessing: I am a Christian and love God over everything. Little children, today also I invite you to rejoice and be joyful Christians, responsible and conscious that God called you in a special way to be joyfully extended hands toward those who do not believe, and that through the example of your life, they may receive faith and love for God. Therefore, pray, pray, pray that your heart may open and be sensitive for the Word of God.
Pray, Pray, Pray. Believe firmly, confess your self regularly and have the holly communion. This is the only way to be safe. Do you believe that you are taking part of Mass in the correct way? If all of you knew what kind of grace you will gain on the communion.
I invite you to Confession so Jesus may be your truth and peace, go to Confession each month, especially the first Friday or the first Saturday of the month. Monthly Confession will be a remedy for the Church in the West. One must convey this message to the West. Have them believe and pray; start praying every day at list 7 Our Father, Ave Mary, Glory, Believe.
I cannot help him who does not pray in a solid way and does not sacrifice or feasting. I can not help who does not pray or do sacrifices. The sick, just like those who are in good health, must pray and fast for the sick. The more you believe firmly, the more you pray and fast for the same intention, the greater is the grace and the mercy of God to the sick ones. It is good as well to apply blessed ointment.
There is only one God and in God doesn't exist any division. Are you people in the world that had create the religion divisions. Between God and the humans there is only one salvation mediator: Jesus Christ. Have faith in Him. Before any liturgic holidays prepare your self with pray and feasting. The most beautiful pray is the Creed. But all the other prays are good and loved by God is the come from the hart. You will not be a true "Christian/human/Jesus believer" if you will not respect your brothers that belong to other religions. All of you should respect all religions, and also keep and conserve at any cost the Catholic faith for your self and for your children's.
I wish and desire that all of you gather in church every Wednesday for adore my son Jesus. There,, in front of the Holly Communion, re-read the 6 st chapel of the Bible of Methew from when he say: No one can serve 2 boss.." If its impossible for you to go in church, read that part of it in your own houses. Every Wednesday, also, any of you try to do any kind of sacrifice: who smoke stop smoking, who drink alcohol should try to avoid it. Any of you should renounce to something that they like particularly, a lot. I invite you to fall in love with the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Adore Him, little children, in your Parishes and in this way you will be united with the entire world. Jesus will become your friend and you will not talk of Him like someone whom you barely know. Unity with Him will be a joy for you and you will become witnesses to the love of Jesus that He has for every creature. Little children, when you adore Jesus you are also close to me.
Protect your self from Satan with fasting and with pray especially with group of pray. Pray the Rosary. With the Rosary you shall overcome all the adversities which Satan is trying to inflict on the Catholic Church. Carry on with your self consecrated blessed objects and place them even in your homes. And re start using the Saint Water. I call you to place more blessed objects in your homes and that everyone put some blessed objects on their person. Bless all the objects and thus Satan will attack you less because you will have armor against him. Do not permit satan to pull you apart and to do with you what he wants. I call you to be responsible and determined and to consecrate each day to God in prayer. May Holy Mass, little children, not be a habit for you, but life. By living Holy Mass each day, you will feel the need for holiness and you will grow in holiness. I am close to you and intercede before God for each of you, so that He may give you strength to change your heart.
God chose San Francisco as his elect. It would be nice to mimic his life, nevertheless we have to do God will on us. People think wrong when they address only to the Saints when they asking something. I wish you to be a beautiful bouquet of flowers which I wish to present to God for the day of All Saints. I invite you to open yourselves and to live, taking the saints as an example. Mother Church has chosen them, that they may be an impulse for your daily life.
Is important to pray the Holly Spirit so that it descend on you all. Having it it means having everything. Before Mass we should pray the Holly Spirit. The prays to the Holly Spirit need to follow Mass. Don't go to church and to sanctuaries for asking some material grace. Instead, ask for the gift of the Holly Spirit. The most important thing for all of you is to have the gift of the descend of the Holly Spirit. As your faith grow and you are ready to give more time to the Lord, follow this prays: Every morning in your family renew the prays of consecration at the Saint Hart of Jesus and Marie. Pray everyday l' Angelus, Il Credo, 5 Father Noster, Ave Mary, in honor of Jesus, 6 for the Holly Father, the pope, 7 for the effusion of the Holly Spirit on all of you. Then the pray for the invocation to the Holly Spirit. If its possible pray the rosary as well. Dear children, you are forgetting that you are all important. The elderly are especially important in the family. Urge them to pray. Let all the young people be an example to others by their life and let them witness to Jesus. Dear children, I beseech you, begin to change through prayer and you will know what you need to do.
Pray and read the Sacred Scriptures so that through my coming you discover the message in Sacred Scripture for you.

 October 4, 1981 - Sunday, September 26, 1982 - February 10, 1982 - February 23, 1982 - April 14, 1982 - August 6, 1982 - Augus 18, 1982 - September 7, 1982 - February 18, 1983 - February 21, 1983 - October 4, 1983 - October 15, 1983 - October 21, 1983 - November 25, 1983 - November 26, 1983 - December 23, 1983 - December 29, 1983 - January 15, 1983 - January 27, 1983 - February 19, 1983 - February 29, 1983 - June 25, 1985 - July 18, 1985 - April 10, 1986 - April 24, 1986 - June 25, 1991- October 25, 1994 - January 25, 1995 - September 25, 1995 - November 25, 1997 - January 25, 1998

October 25, 1994 "Dear children! I am with you and I rejoice today because the Most High has granted me to be with you and to teach you and to guide you on the path of perfection. Little children, I wish you to be a beautiful bouquet of flowers which I wish to present to God for the day of All Saints. I invite you to open yourselves and to live, taking the saints as an example. Mother Church has chosen them, that they may be an impulse for your daily life. Thank you for having responded to my call!"
November 25, 1997 "Dear children! Today I invite you to comprehend your Christian vocation. Little children, I led and am leading you through this time of grace, that you may become conscious of your Christian vocation. Holy martyrs died witnessing: I am a Christian and love God over everything. Little children, today also I invite you to rejoice and be joyful Christians, responsible and conscious that God called you in a special way to be joyfully extended hands toward those who do not believe, and that through the example of your life, they may receive faith and love for God. Therefore, pray, pray, pray that your heart may open and be sensitive for the Word of God. Thank you for having responded to my call." 11/25/97

 October 25, 1994 - November 25, 1997

October 4, 1981 "The Pope is your Father, he is the spiritual father of Everybody. We need to pray a lot for him".
Sunday, September 26, 1982 - For a religious who had come from Rome:
Have her strengthen the faith of those who have been entrusted to her.
For Father Faricy and Forrest:
They are on the good path, have them persist.
For the Pope:
Have him consider himself the father of all mankind, and not only of Christians. Have him spread untiringly and with courage the message of peace and love among all mankind. (CP 82).

 October 4, 1981 - Sunday, September 26, 1982
