To Predict, warning the genocide in Rwanda.
The apparitions of Our Lady of Kibeho began on November 28, 1981 in the African college of Kibeho, Rwanda. The Virgin Mary repeatedly appeared to Alphonsine Mumureke, Nathalie Mukamazimpaka, and Marie Claire Mukangango. The apparition identified herself in the native Rwandan dialect as “Nyina wa Jambo", ( "Mother of the Word"), which is synonymous with "Mother of God.” The apparitions communicated various messages to the schoolchildren, urging the people to love each other, and warning of an apocalyptic vision of Rwanda descending into violence and hatred, foretelling the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. In 2001 the Holy See released the declaration of Bishop Misago of Gikongoro approving the apparitions. The Marian sanctuary at Kibeho was named "Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows" in 1992, two years before the genocide. An estimated 500,000 pilgrims visit the site every year.
These apparitions were recognized by the Catholic Church in 2001. Kibeho is a small town in Rwanda, Africa. Our Lady appeared in Kibeho of 28/11/1981 until 28/11/1989. All the messages of Our Lady of Kibeho are very important. Our Lady appeared to some young students at a school in Kibeho:
Alphonsine Mumureke (age 17) had apparitions of 11/28/1981 until 11/28/1989.
Anathalie Mukamazimpaka (age 18) had apparitions of 1/12/1982 until 12/3/1983.
Marie Claire Mukangango (age 21) had apparitions of 3/2/1982 until 9/15/1982.
Other young people were: Emanuel Segatashya (age 15), Vestine Salima (age 22), Agnes Kamagaju (age 22) and Stephanie Mukamurenzi (age 14).
Our Lady appeared as a incomparable and beauty young woman. She had a seamless white dress and also a white veil on Her head. Her hands were clasped together on Her breast. Our Lady gave many messages. She showed Heaven, Hell and Purgatory, the Passion of Jesus and many things to the seers.
Message of 11/28/1981 - At 12:35 p.m. Our Lady called Alphonsine in dining room of the school: “My daughter.” “Here I am. Who are you?’” “I am the Mother of the Word. In the religion, what do you prefer?” “I love God and His Mother, who gave us the Child who redeemed us.” “If it is so, I have come to calm you, because I have heard your prayers. I would like your friends to have Faith, because they do not believe strongly enough.”
Message of 1/12/1982 to Anathalie: "Child, I am sad. And what makes me sad is that I sent a message, and you did not receive it the way I desired it."
Message of 2/13/1982 to Anathalie: "Pray without ceasing, with all your heart. Call when you want. Then you would truly become my child."
Message of 1982 to Alphonsine: "I am the Mother of God. But I am simple and humble. I'm always in the place where you are. I love you as you are. I never waste my children. When a child is without fear in front of his Mother, he tells all that is in his heart. I am grateful because of son who rejoices with me. Joy is the more beautiful sign of trust and love. Few people understand the mysteries of God’s love. Let your Mother embrace all her children with love, so that they have confidence in her deepest longings. You take all your wishes to my Son Jesus, your Brother. No one should be afraid of your Mother. I am your Mother. You should not be afraid of me, but you should love me."
Message of 3/20/1982 Our Lady showed Alphonsine to a place with people in despair and struggle, other place with people only in sorrow and other place with people in happiness and a beautiful light. Our Lady explained: “This is where those who have a luminous heart live. The place where people suffer but look pious with their eyes looking upwards is where those who will be counted among the elect. However, where you saw people fighting, they are the ones who will experience eternal torments without the hope of obtaining forgiveness. In the meanwhile, I kept hearing delightful voices in the distance singing, but I couldn't see where the sounds were coming from. Since you saw these three categories, it is my hope now that you will do your best to attract people to the right path. Moreover, I showed them to you so you can learn that the best life is to come, after man leaves the earth. And truly, to live comfortably in this life without caring about the Creator and his will, is a waste of time.”
Message of 1982: "I came to prepare the path of my Son for your sake, and you don’t want to understand. The time left is short, and you are distracted and absent. You are focused on the mundane things that are fleeting. I saw many children be lost and I came to show the true path."
Message of 3/27/1982 to Marie Claire: "If I am now turning to the parish of Kibeho it does not mean I am concerned only for Kibeho or for the diocese of Butare or for Rwanda, or for the whole of Africa. The world is bad. The world rushes toward its ruin. It’s about to fall into an abyss. The world is in rebellion against God. Many sins are committed. There is no love and no peace. If you don’t repent and convert your hearts, all will fall into an abyss."
Message of 4/2/1982 to Marie Claire: “Repent, repent, repent! When I tell you this, I speak also to all the others. Men of our times have emptied each thing of its true meaning. They commit a fault don’t recognize that he did wrong. Meditate about the Passion of Jesus, and on the deep Sorrows of His Mother. Recite the Rosary every day, and also the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary, to obtain the favour of repentance.”
Message of 5/15/1982 to Anathalie: “The path to Heaven always leads through suffering. A true child of Mary cannot be separated from suffering."
Message of 4/15/1982 to Anathalie: "The world goes bad. If you do nothing to repent and renounce your sins, woe to you! This is exactly what continues to hurt me, because I want to save you from an abyss, so that you not fall. But you refuse. Therefore, redouble the prayer for the world to reduce the sins and achive forgiveness for those who wish. How can I be happy when I see my children play on the verge of falling and being lose into an abyss? I come to you to say a message that calls you again to what you forgot, but you refuse to accept. In this moment, I suffer much, but I endure everything with patience."
Message of 5/31/1982 to Marie Claire: “What I ask of you is repentance. If you recite this Chaplet, while meditating on it, you will then have the strength to repent. Today, many people don’t know any more how to ask forgiveness. They nail again the Son of God on the Cross. So I wanted to come and recall it to you, especially here in Rwanda, for here I have still found humble people, who are not attached to wealth nor money.”
Message of 8/5/1982 to Anathalie: “I speak to you, but you do not hear me. I want to lift you, but you remain down. I call you, but you turn a deaf ear. When will you do what I ask of you? You remain indifferent to all my appeals. When will you understand? When will you take interest in what I want to say to you? I give you signs, but you remain incredulous. How long will you turn a dead ear to my appeals?”
Message of 1982: Marie-Claire fell on thorns and Our Lady told: "Your hearts are hardened. The world goes bad, my children. You need to mortify to help Jesus save the world."
Message of 9/15/1982 to Marie Claire: "Why do some people not believe that I came to convert the world? I'm asking you to correct, but you refuse."
Message of 3/2/1983 to Anathalie: "You need to be zealous in faith with a sincere and persevering prayer. Satan does not attack those who are true Christians and those who love me. He rages against you because many people in your community love me. But not be afraid, for I am with you to protect you."
Message of 4/2/1983 to Anathalie: "When I show you flowers, I talk about people. These colorful flowers are as people. All people are different according to their works. Each person follows her own path and has a cross to carry. All are guided by Jesus and me. When people die, the souls that did the well join, but are different because of the path that followed on Earth. Therefore, I showed the flowers of various colors that live in the garden of my Son. You must love the path wick I lead, because it will lead you to that field of flowers, so that you become one of them. I show often the place where rest those who did the well and where are those who act badly. You must choose!"
Message of 6/25/1983 to Alphonsine: "I cry because people are in a critical state and I can not hold back the tears of compassion for you. I opened the door, but people dont’ want to enter. I saw that the world was almost dying. And when I come to your help, you refuse. Don’t worry, my daughter! They want to feel what I say you when it is too late and they will have nothing to save. And those who don’t hear the message I transmit, what do you wait? What do you expect? Do you not see that time is soon?"
Message of 7/6/1983 to Anathalie: "I do what I want and how I want! Each one will be rewarded according to their works. If you always receive my will, you will be rewarded and will rejoice more than others! Each one will have a reward that I booked. Therefore, pray much for the world because it is dying. Pray without ceasing. This is the work that I give you in your condition of suffering. You must pray three Rosaries daily. While you are on Earth, you must contribute for the salvation of many people almost fallen into the abyss. I invite you to remove them from there, helping me."
Last message and apparition of 11/28/1989 to Alphonsine: "My children! You who came from afar, transmit this message. Maria will not abandon those who come here. The son of Mary will not separate the cross, but will keep it in his heart, as I kept the suffering in my Heart. Pray, pray, pray! Do not worry about those who say you lose your time and who are lazy. You who pray will have the reward. You will be happy! Follow the Gospel of my Son, saddened by those who despise Him. My Son suffered. They chased and struck Him. But this did not prevent Him being the King of Heaven and Earth. My children, I bless you all as you are. I give you my blessing, not only for those who came to Kibeho, but for the whole world. You sick with various incurable diseases should not forget that the healing of the soul is more important. Jesus suffered greatly on the Cross. You have to suffer. A good heart has more worth than all the rest. There is no greater wealth than a heart pure. There is nothing more beautiful than a pure heart who offers his sufferings to God. Offer, offer your hearts. May the body not make you forget the spiritual life. You meet all sorts of difficulties in life. If they persist, you need to present them as an offering. A sacrifice is required for every Christian. You who have difficulties in your families, think of the Holy Family of Nazareth who lived in extreme poverty. Without help of people at your sufferings, put the Holy Family as your patron. God is greater than any evil in the world. Do not forget that. Live in the midst of the difficulties of today's world faithful to your commitments. To you consecrated religious to God, this condition of life is always demanding and arduous. It must be faithful. You priests, offer yourselves, you who offer the Sacrifice of Jesus. I love you, I love you, I love you very much. Never forget. The love which I have for you made me come between you. You young people: take life seriously. You are the future. Do not spoil your future. Pray, pray, pray and follow the Gospel of my Son, saddened by those who scoff Him. All you governments who have the power to represent so many people. Do not kill, but save. Not be greedy, know to share with others. Do not be unfaithful to the word betraying those who supported you. My children, I do not intend to stay with you longer, because I communicated the essential and what I still hope for you. I want to repeat once more that I'm happy because of you! I'm happy because of the fruits that are produced from my coming to Rwanda. Do not worry about the misfortunes that befall on you, because nothing is stronger than God Himself. You need to accept correctly without lamenting. Now, my children, I also listen to your prayers in full. I know you worry about taking long trips coming up to me. So, in this brief moment which we are together, tell all your needs for me. My children, I say you goodbye. I love you! I love you! I love so much! But woe to those who are indifferent to this love which I promised and expressed. I came because you needed it. Goodbye."
Message of 8/19/1982: Our Lady showed terrifying images: rivers of blood, people killing each other, fire everywhere, dead bodies left without anyone to bury them, decapitated bodies. In the civil war of Rwanda in 1994, between groups of Tutsis against Hutus, were massacred 800.00 people. Marie Claire was killed in the war of 1994 in the town of Byumba, with her husband. Emmanuel also died in the flight from Kigali. Vestine died due because of cardiovascular disease. Agnes lives in Rwanda. Alphonsine lives in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, as a religious. Anathalie lives in Kibeho.
Our Lady of Kibeho